Thursday, October 14, 2010

October Travelogue: Bali on Oct. 20th

We hope you'll join us for this month's entertaining Travelogue on Bali.  Presenter Reid Coen is founder/owner of Imprint Tours has been a tour guide, travel consultant, and speaker for Rick Steves’ Europe Through the Back Door for the last 13 years.  In 2005, he launched his own tour company with the intention of taking groups to parts of the world he felt particularly passionate about. Southeast Asia topped the list and our excursions to Thailand and Bali are the result.

Join us on Wednesday, October 20th at 7:30pm at the Bainbridge Branch of the Kitsap Regional Library as Reid discusses the treasures of Bali and ways to visit without breaking the bank. 

Click on this link for more information.
Click on this link for directions to the library.

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